Naya and the strength of the Great Bear

Once upon a time, there was a little Native girl named Naya, a cheerful and curious girl with sparkling eyes and a heart full of questions. One sunny morning, as she ran with her braid flowing in the wind, she discovered an old, wise woman sitting quietly by a fire. The woman had long, silver hair and wore a necklace of feathers and stones that shimmered in the sunlight.

“Who are you?” Naya asked, her eyes wide with wonder.

The old woman smiled and said, “I am a shaman, little one. I hear the voice of the wind, the song of the trees and the secrets of the animals. Certain animals carry deeper wisdom, guiding us through their spirits and they choose to walk beside us. These spirit animals share their power and knowledge with me.”

Naya was fascinated. “What are spirit animals?”

“They are animals that come to you in your dreams and thoughts, to help and protect you. Each one has its own strength and wisdom. You have one that supports you too. Would you like to meet yours?”

Naya nodded eagerly. The old shaman closed her eyes and began to sing softly. The air around her seemed to shimmer with energy, and suddenly, a great brown bear appeared. His fur gleamed in the sunlight and his eyes showed a deep calm.

“This is the Great Bear,” said the shaman. “He is strong, protective and full of love. He is your spirit animal who you can call upon when you need him.”

Naya immediately felt a connection with the bear. He stepped forward and gently touched her with his snout. A warm glow filled her heart. She felt stronger than ever before, as if she could face anything.

“You will always walk with the power of the Great Bear,” the shaman said.

Naya looked into the bear’s eyes and knew that he would always be near, even if she couldn’t see him. She was filled with confidence and strength, as if she wore an invisible cloak of protection. She smiled at the shaman, who nodded in return.

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